Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy Birthday to Jane!

Just in case you didn't look at your calendar...Wednesday was (is) Jane's birthday.
Caden had a good time saying Happy Birthday to Grammy Jane (actually he enjoyed eating the phone).

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pics please

Hey you.......yeah you, I see you. We need to have a small explosion of pics on this site. Kid pics and pet pics of course, but also other stuff. Share, share, share.

P.S. Maybe try to post a couple pics a week or so, if you can. To make it easier for you, you can get the 'picasa' program from the google website and once you install it, it finds all the pics on your computer and organizes them for you. It has a simple to use function that posts your pics directly to the blog. Here is the direct link to download picasaif you want to try it.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Schools on..

Hi everyone...Well, Michael finished summer session of college, and he is now in fall session. He likes his fall schedule (8am) as we were getting up at 5am for summer, just to make it to school. I say WE, (ironing, making breakfast and getting him off to school). Kimmy started senior year (high school), and it is in full swing. Thad is getting ready to hunt BEAR out in Maine, he and some friends are going to try and bag a big black one. I may be on the single scene pretty soon (lets pray not). Well, hope is all well and God bless.

Love, Chrissy

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Honoring 9/11 Victims

Hey everyone,

I just registered myself in a blogverse initiative for the murder victims of 9/11. I will be paying tribute to Mr. Glenroy Neblett, 42 from New York, New York.

Register HERE to get assigned a tribute.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


so here they are

I'll make this quick, I'm hogging up all the space

So here are the latest pics on my shop opening...ribbon cutting ceremony and first batch of donuts.
Me and Carrie & kids are the only ones you'll recognize. Michael and Seth are taking pictures. They conveniently stay out of the way of the camera. I'll try to get a cheap shot of them later. hehehe...our secret. Actually in Carrie's camera there is a picture were Michael is holding Isaac...when in a conversation the day before he said, "I'm not a baby holder"...well we've caught him with baby in hand. When she gets home (Monday) she'll try to upload for EVERYONE to see! double hehehehe. ;)

Carrie in KY

Michael and Seth are out at our property in Blandville, on a shooting spree. Carrie and I are here checking out the blog and playing with the kids.

As you can see Raven just got out of the shower and little Isaac doesn't like his picture taken...but we made him anyway...he sure is a sweetie and Connor is a great big brother. You should see him sweet talk his brother...he'll get right up in Isaac's grill and talk softly. It is sweet. Take care everyone.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Carrie's here

Carrie's here at my house, we set up an email address it is How do we get her in?

Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm in the paper

I was hoping this would've saved to be full size so you could read the article. If you'd like to read the article give me your email address, as I don't have very many of your...All I have are Wayne, Melissa, My mom...I believe that's it.
Carrie is going to WI for a wedding, and it just so happens that she'll be here to help me on my first day of opening, and I'll be having my ribbon cutting ceremony also on Monday @ 10am while she's here. I am both excited and nervous.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


What's left of our HUGE Homemade pizza. You shoulda been there. Domino's nor Pizza Hut have anything on us.


Hi everyone,
Well this has been one busy week for us, both Eldon and Jayden started school monday and on Jayden's birthday(8-14). Eldon's in 3rd grade and really likes his teacher Ms. Bailey and Jayden is in Kindergarden and really likes her teacher Ms. Gardener, too. First day was a good day, NO TEARS, which was suprising but on the 2nd day she remembered how to cry, her teacher took her by the hand and off they went to have a GREAT DAY, which I knew she would. Ashton's been having fun having the whole house and ALL the toys to himself, he should be in Pre-K next year and that's a little scary. He's very head strong, so next year should be something to look forward to but we'll see.
Love to all,
Margaret, Eldon, Eldon, Jayden, and Ashton

Thursday, August 10, 2006

How to invite...

I was telling mom about this and she had no idea what I was talking about, how do you invite? Could someone invite her again and anyone else, i'll try to get email addresses for everyone. Thanks, Connie

Raven's in 3rd Grade

Hello Everyone,

I'm still trying to figure this out. I couldn't rotate the picture of Raven, maybe I'll figure it out. Well the picture on the far left is my new coffee and donut shop. I have all the pieces in place I'm waiting on a plumber to install the beautiful two group espresso machine I got yesterday. The plumber should be out tomorrow A.M. I'm nervous, Monday should be my first day open, I'll have a Grand Opening this next weekend. I'll be in the local paper next week. I already have people knocking on my door. =)
Raven's first day of 3rd grade was on Tuesday. They change classes like High School students. I didn't change classes ''til I was in 6th grade. She really enjoys school.
Michael has also started his own company, HomeTown Development, there are great opportunities out here for new business. The county government is really supportive. There is a big movement to improve the quality of life out here and if anybody is interested in investing in real estate, this is the time and the place.Come visit we'll show you around.
Well, this has been fun!
Love you all,
Connie, Michael and Raven

(that's the inside, ther is a full kitchen, nice seating area outside and 3 tables inside.)

I'll run this for 3 years and use the profits to start my own Health Food Store...that's my real passion...sometimes you've gotta start small. I'm excited to have gotten this far. I've wanted it for sooo long. yippy.

Hook 'Em Horns!

Caden is getting ready for football season. We were trying on his game day uniform given to him by his Aunt Cheri (Samantha's sister). It fits great and he looks very proud to be wearing orange.
Caden has learned how to drink from a bottle/cup, or at least put his mouth around it and let the cold water run down his chin. He smiles, I think he is proud he can do something that mama and daddy can do. Posted by Picasa

Any idea how to...

1) Link my blog to this one?

2) Get some kind of email or alert when someone else has updated?

That'd be great, thanks. :)

This is a completely fabulous idea!!!

Hello, all! I don't know who decided to organize this, but well done! :) Now, we can actually all be in the know more often than every six months or so. (Maybe that's just me! ;)

Quick update, and then I'm going to update my other blog. We're doing well, are very pregnant and are enjoying a quiet house now that all of our guests have left and our newest arrival isn't scheduled for another six weeks. We still don't know if Squirt is a boy or a girl (and, no, Dad, we will not be finding out; thank you very much!), but we have names picked for both, have a bed and stroller purchased and, hopefully, have all of the necessities in order. All that's left is to pick a pediatrician, and I'm hoping to be on top of that next week.

Rob is getting ready to go back to the States for training for three days in Orlando. It'll be his first time in the States since we left last August! Right now, though, he's battling a stomach bug, so if you guys will pray that he's over that and good to travel on Sunday, that would be great!

That's all from here. Going now to research "food poisoning," (and no, I did not cook whatever it was that may have made him sick!) possibly make a doctor's appointment for my hubbie, and then, to update my blog! (Can you see how we initially fell behind on this blog thing?? Eight months and no update. How ridiculous!)

We love you all and are excited for this new way to keep in touch!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Justina, Jane, Loretta, Richard, Ryan, Connie and Pragerfan are all pending. Do they check email??!!??

Monday, August 07, 2006

TCBrewer Photo Gallery

Click on the TCBrewer to the right to view our profile and visit our Blog/Photo Gallery are the only two that I have, which may not have received an invitation, I do not know Richard's home e-mail

Chrissy's fish

Chrissy cleaned up at Port in July. See the two little fish at the back of the line,,,,,,those are mine. Finger mullet make great bait. Who'd a thunk it.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

If you know email addresses of family members that are not on the site, post the addresses in a blog posting so they can be invited by the ADMIN. Apparently, noone has a complete list of all family member's email addresses.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mobile Blogging First Try

How do u like dem apples?

Just trying out the mobile blog function.

Caden in OkCity

Here are a few pictures from our weekend in Oklahoma City. Aunt Annie is changing Caden's diaper. Unlce Matt is hanging out with Caden at our house in Hurst. Eldon finally got to meet Caden and Grammy Jane loved hanging out with Caden at the pool.

I am uploading these using the free Google picture program called Picasa. You can blog straight from the Picasa website if you know the blog address.

 Posted by Picasa

Our Little Mudd

Here is a recent picture of Caden. We went to see Grandpa and Grammy Mudd in Oklahoma City last weekend. Aunt Annie and Uncle Matt are wonderful with him. In fact, we brought them back to Hurst with us so that they could hang out with Caden for the week. Caden has nothing but smiles for Aunt Annie and he loves to watch Uncle Matt kick any kind of ball.