Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pics from the family hunt

Sometimes it was cold... so cold we couldn't put our shoes on the right feet.

Just relaxin'


Margaret said...

Shame on you Uncle Thad, making fun of your Godchild!!! No, he does that here too, hot or cold out. He'll get it right soon enough, I hope;). Hope you guys are having fun with your piggies. Did they cry weeweewee all the way home? Are you going to be building a pen for them out at your farm?
Love to all,

TCBrewer said...

They cry wee wee wee wee wee SQUEAL SCREEeeCH REEEEE WWWWEEERERERWERAWWERWER WQEFIHJASDO;HASHO;htewo;ijkSAH[QGHJ, all the time when they get hungry. Is it just me or did I get a litter of Bey Bey's pigs. I now know why wild hogs have such bad tempers.