Thursday, May 10, 2007

How to get to Ryan's Graduation, CLICK HERE

UPDATE: The graduation already happened, don't go to Huntsville now. You are too late and we had a great time. Pics will be posted asap. Eldon

Here are the general directions to Ryan's Graduation. It starts at 2:00pm, and I haven't heard of anyplace where we can all meet, exept maybe outside the Coliseum around 12:30 or 1:00?

If you are coming South on Interstate 45, you need to exit at Montgomery Rd and turn left, if you are going North on I-45, you also need to exit Montgomery Rd, but turn Right.

Now that we got all the Northerners and Southerners at the same intersection, follow Montgomery Rd. all the way until you T into Bowers Blvd.(a good ways) Here turn left towards the Coliseum, the big ROUND BLACK bldg. and park in the parking lot that is to the right, before getting to the Coliseum. That is, unless a police occifer makes you do something else, then you need to do what he says.

HERE IS THE GOOGLE MAPS LINK TO THE CAMPUS AND COLISEUM -,-95.545135&spn=0.009704,0.019312&z=15

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