Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thank you Justina xoxo

the family portrait is a great idea we haven't had one in a few years...i will set us up for a setting in the next week. That is a very thoughtful gift..it was also good to hear from you....hey, i just realized that i haven't seen justina on the blog yet...has anyone sent her an invitation?


Ax3BL4d3 said...

I invited her twice but her computer is not letting her accept it for some reason. She can read the blog though, but because I have the blog set to not accept comments from non-members, she cannot post anything.Eldon

Andrew said...

Is there any reason we dont want posts from outsiders? maybe we could change that so Justina could at least give comments. I think that was a setting chosen in the beginning not knowing any better.

Ax3BL4d3 said...

we've had hits from Dubai, Ireland, England, and all over the US. I have even seen hits from the Czech Republic, I hear they're a bunch of crazy, looney tune baby-makers there, hehe, just kidding Mel and Rob, we really luv ya.
We've been getting an average of 30-80 hits on the site per day. We'll have all sorts of loons adding their two cents to our family biz, whether it's welcomed or not. Do we want to put it up for a vote or just not worry about it? We can try inviting J again to another email address, or even on another comp. Eldon

Andrew said...

I agree that could open us up to who knows what...I hadnt seen those hit numbers...that is pretty interesting.

With those numbers shouldn't we be advertising? I can picture it now - free homemade ice cream at all family get togethers - compliments of google!!

Andrew said...

Cindy said it best - this is a place for conversations of interest to the whole family and only our family.

By the way - this blog business is na-heat.